Latest (not by category)
- 03/07/2023: “Optimizing experiment design with machine learning”, IGFAE, Santiago de Compostela, Spain;
- 13/06/2023: (Invited) “TomOpt: Optimize a Muon Tomography Experiment with Differentiable Programming”, MIAPbP workshop on Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming for Fundamental Physics, TUMunich, Germany;
- 25/05/2023: (Invited, parallel session) “Machine Learning and Differentiable Programming for Statistics at the LHC”, LHCP 2023, Belgrado, Serbia;
- 10/05/2023: “Machine Learning for Inference”, 7th Red LHC, Madrid, Spain;
- 20/04/2023: “Neuronas: del pez eléctrico al diseño de los experimentos del futuro con inteligencia artificial”, Seminarios ICTEA (welcome as new senior researcher), Universidad de Oviedo, Spain;
International conferences
- 09/11/2022: (Invited, plenary session) “Artificial Intelligence for Fundamental Physics”, 7th USERN Congress, Muscat, Oman;
- 07/09/2022: (Parallel session) “Differentiable Programming for Experimental Design”, 11th ICNFP, Kolymbari, Greece;
- 10/08/2022: (Invited, plenary session) “Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Gradient-descent-based Optimization”, Hammers and Nails 2022, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel;
- 07/07/2022: (Parallel session) “Multiboson Production in CMS”, ICHEP 2022, Bologna, Italy;
- 06/07/2022: (Poster, coauthor) “Higgs Self Couplings Measurements at Future proton-proton Colliders”, ICHEP 2022, Bologna, Italy (with C. Caputo, A. Taliercio, N. De Filippis, P. Mastrapasqua, P. Bath);
11/11/2021: (Invited, plenary session) “A Needle in a Haystack: Machine Learning, Mathematical Representations, and the Search for New Physics at the LHC”, 6th USERN Congress, Istanbul, Turkey
- 21/10/2021: (Parallel) “Electroweak Precision Measurements in Diboson Production at CMS”, 32nd Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Blois, France;
- 27/08/2021: (Parallel session) “Unfolding by Folding: a Bayesian Resampling Approach to the Problem of Matrix Inversion Without Actually Inverting any Matrix”, 10th ICNFP, Kolymbari, Greece;
- 05/08/2021: (Invited, parallel session) “Unfolding by Folding: a Bayesian Resampling Approach to the Problem of Matrix Inversion Without Actually Inverting any Matrix”, Virtual Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Stavanger, Norway;
- 08/11/2020: (Invited, plenary session) “Pattern Recognition and Image Reconstruction: from Industry to Particle Physics (and Back?)”, 5th USERN Congress, Tehran, Iran;
- 26/10/2020: (Plenary session) “Highlights of CMS Experimental Results”, Higgs 2020, Stonybrook/BNL, USA;
- 05/09/2020: (Parallel session) “New Approaches to the Problem of Unfolding”, 9th ICNFP, Kolymbari, Greece;
- 28/08/2019: (Invited, plenary session) “Machine Learning Tools for Physics Searches at the LHC”, 8th ICNFP, Kolymbari, Greece;
- 22/08/2019: (Plenary lecture) “Statistical Methods for Data Treatment with and without Signal in ATLAS and CMS”, 8th ICNFP, Kolymbari, Greece;
- 25/07/2019: (Parallel session) “The DAB; Detecting Anomalies via Bootstrapping”, European Meeting of Statisticians 2019, Palermo, Italia;
- 06/06/2019: (Plenary session) “Recent VBS and VBF Measurements at the LHC”, Blois 2019, 31st Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Blois, France;
- 05/06/2019: (Parallel session) “Top Quark Properties at the LHC”, Blois 2019, 31st Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Blois, France;
- 24/04/2019: (Plenary session) “Multiboson Production with W and Z Bosons at the ATLAS and CMS detectors”, Standard Model at the LHC 2019, Zurich, Switzerland;
- 22/01/2019: (Poster) “Pseudosignificances as Figures of Merit; a Systematic Study and Exploration of Bayesian Solutions”, 2019 PhyStat-Nu, CERN, Switzerland;
- 01/08/2018: (Parallel session) “Pseudosignificances as Figures of Merit: a Systematic Study and Bayesian Solutions”, XIIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Maigh Nuad (Maynooth), Ireland;
- 27/07/2018: (Parallel session) “Associated Production of a SM Higgs Boson with Top Quark(s)(ttH/tH): Measurements at CMS”, SUSY 2018, 26th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, Barcelona, Spain;
- 21/09/2017: (Plenary session) “Searches for ttH (multilepton and gamma gamma) in ATLAS and CMS”, Top 2017, 10th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics, Braga, Portugal;
- 31/05/2017: (Parallel session) “Searches for BSM Higgs Bosons in CMS”, 29th Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology, Blois, France;
- 02/09/2016: (Parallel session) “The Inverse Bagging Algorithm: Enriching Signal by Inverse Bootstrap Aggregating”, XIIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Thessaloniki, Greece (with T. Dorigo);
- 04/09/2015: (Parallel session) “Searches for Charged Higgs Bosons at the LHC”, LHCP 2015, The Third Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia;
- 16/09/2014: (Plenary session) “Search for MSSM Charged Higgs Decaying into taunu and tb, with lepton-tau and dilepton Final States in CMS”, Charged2014, Prospects for Charged Higgs Discovery at Colliders, Uppsala, Sweden;
- 09/10/2012: (Plenary session) “Search for H+->taunu with lepton-tau(->hadrons) and dilepton Final States in CMS”, Charged2012, Prospects for Charged Higgs Discovery at Colliders, Uppsala, Sweden;
- 12/03/2012: (Poster) “Measurement of the top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Channel at CMS”, LHCC 2012, CERN, Switzerland;
- 31/03/2023: (Invited) “Optimizing Experiment Design with Machine Learning”, STAMPS seminars, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA;
- 30/09/2022: (Invited) “Differentiable Programming for Experiment Design”, Montefiore Institute Seminars, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium;
- 12/09/2022: (Invited, interview for tenure track position in machine learning) “A mathematical crowbar: how we use statistics and machine learning to improve our results and our experiments”, HEPHY, Vienna (cancelled, I accepted the Ramón y Cajal offer)
- 07/12/2021: (Invited, interview for tenure track position Professorship in Experimental Physics) “A needle in a haystack: how we use statistics at particle colliders to better understand our universe”, University of Warwick, United Kingdom;
- 05/2021: (Invited, interview for tenure track W2->W3 Professorship in Data Science for Physics) “A needle in a haystack: how we use statistics at particle colliders to better understand our universe”, Technische Universität München (TUM), Munich, Germany;
- 19/01/2021: (Invited) “Automatic differentiation and invertible networks for statistical inference and optimization of experiments and measurements”, CPPS Seminars, Universität Siegen, Germany;
- 30/10/2020: (Invited) “Status and Perspectives of Machine Learning in CMS”, CMS Italia 2020 Workshop, Virtual, Italia
- 23/09/2020: (Invited, interview for tenure track W1->W3 Professorship in Big Data Analytics in Physics) “Automatic differentiation for statistical inference and optimization of experiments and measurements”, RWTH Aachen, Germany;
- 07-05-2020: (Invited) “Finders, Keepers: Statistical Fluctuations, Causality, and Whatnot in Particle Physics”, LIP Seminars, LIP Lisboa, Portugal;
- 10/12/2019: (Invited, interview for tenure track JP294, Professor of Machine Learning for Particle Physics or Astrophysics) “The top-Higgs connection; Probing the standard model of Particle Physics at CMS with machine learning!”, Universität Hamburg, Germany;
- 16/01/2018: (Invited) **“Associated Production of a SM Higgs Boson with Pair of top Quarks (ttH): Experimental Panorama and Perspectives, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium;
- 17/03/2017: (Invited) “The Top, the Higgs,the SUSY: a Youngster’s Guide to Spending your Research Years in a big HEP experiment”, LIP Seminars, LIP Lisboa, Portugal;
- 05/02/2015: “Search for a Charged Higgs Boson at CMS”, LIP Seminar, LIP Lisboa, Portugal;
National conferences and other international workshops
- 05/05/2022: “Expression of Interest 3: Machine-Learning Optimized Design of Experiments”, 2nd Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC Symposium, Madrid, Spain;
- 20/05/2019: “WZ Inclusive and Differential Cross Section, and Search for Anomalous Triple Gauge Boson Couplings”, Working Package 2 of the EOS BEh Network, Antwerpen, Belgium;
- 01/06/2018: “Review of the Experience with ATLAS+CMS combinations”, Higgs Toppings Workshop - Probing Top-Higgs Interactions at the LHC, Benasque, Spain;
- 01/06/2018: (Invited) “What to do about two-point systematics?”, Higgs Toppings Workshop - Probing Top-Higgs Interactions at the LHC, Benasque, Spain;
- 11/05/2018: “Associated Production of a SM Higgs Boson with Pair of top Quarks (ttH): Combination of CMS Searches and Perspectives for HL-LHC”, 2nd workshop Red Expañola de LHC, Madrid, Spain;
- 23/10/2017: (Parallel session) “Search for Higgs Boson Production in Association with top Quarks at sqrt(s)=13TeV”, IX CPAN Days, Santander, Spain;
- 06/10/2017: (Plenary session) “ttH and ttV: status, new ideas/techniques and perspectives”, AMVA4NewPhysics ITN Mid-term meeting, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium<
- 19/12/2016: “The Inverse Bagging Algorithm”, 3rd AMVA4NewPhysics ITN Workshop, University of Oxford, United Kingdom;
- 03/03/2016: “The Inverse Bagging Algorithm”, 1st AMVA4NewPhysics ITN Workshop, Universitá di Padova, Venezia, Italia;
- 19-21/02/2016: “Searches for Charged Higgs Production”, Jornadas do LIP 2016, LIP Braga, Portugal;
- 21-23/04/2012: “Measurement of the top Quark Mass in the Dilepton Channel”, Jornadas do LIP 2012, LIP Lisboa, Portugal;
- 22/05/2023: “Neuronas: del pez eléctrico al diseño de los experimentos del futuro con inteligencia artificial”, Pint of Science 2023, Rocket Club, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain;
- 15/05/2018: **“Si me sale positivo el test, tengo cáncer? Usar simples conceptos estadísticos para entender el mundo en que vivimos” Pint of Science 2018, Chelsea Café Lounge, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain;
- 04/05/2018: “Cómo aprende una red neuronal? Viaje en el mundo de las máquinas que aprenden”, Cíclo Mono de Ciencias 2018, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain;
- 28/10/2017: “Máquinas que aprenden: una nueva revolución, de la ciencia a la industria”, Noche Lunática, Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, Spain;
- 20/09/2017: Responsible of the Stand of the association “Cielos Despejados” and of the **“Grupo Experimental de Física de Partículas de la Universidad de Oviedo”, Noche Europea de los Investigadores (European Researchers Night), Oviedo, Asturias, Spain;
- 15/05/2017: “La aguja en el pajar (charla sobre Machine Learning)”, Pint of Science 2017, Master Bar, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain;
- 2017-present: Members of **“Cielos Despejados” (scientific dissemination association), Oviedo, Spain;
- 01/04/2015: “GRID and Cloud Computing at the LHC”, LHC Restart Event at 13 TeV, LIP and Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal;
- 20/10/2012: “Higgs o non Higgs: guida alla scoperta di un bosone”, outreach dedicated seminar, Gruppo Astrofili Vicentini and Liceo Scientifico Quadri, Vicenza, Italia
- 2011-2022: Tutor at European Masterclasses, Universitá di Padova Italia (2011), LIP and Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa Portugal (2012-2015), Université catholique de Louvain (2018-2022), European Masterclasses
- Co-administration of Quantum Mechanics divulgation group on Facebook (>35000 members)
- 2009-present: Twitter account @pietrovischia
- 2008-2011: Guide at Physics Department’s “Museum of Ancient Instruments”, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy
- 2008-2011: Seminars “Scientific Instruments from ‘500 until today”, INFN outreach seminars, Padova, Italy;